Thursday, October 29, 2009


We decided to carve our pumpkin last night, and here is the result...don't get too scared!!

(if you look closely, you can see my cute lil ghost candle inside...I just love him!)

Hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween weekend!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Trick or Treat?


I'm sure you've all heard about this new phenomenon. I've been hearing all about it on the radio, TV, and internet...and it even made the front page of the Annandale Advocate. Yes, this is the type of news that makes the headlines here in Annandale. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it, since it's easy and pretty darn amazing. All you need is a broom! And not even a magical witch's broom. For some reason, people are really amazed (myself included) by the fact that a broom can stand upright on it's own for hours on end. I even did this test today, and yep, it's true. Here's the proof--

Oh, the things that keep me entertained while battling this illness! If anyone has any other easy ways to pass the time, let me know!

Sick as a Dog

And no, not Harry the dog. I am on day 4 of whatever has attacked me. Everyone has a different opinion of what it is, and what it comes down to is...that it sucks. Period. No matter the name, seasonal flu, H1N1, etc. Blah. I finally ate some crackers yesterday, which sat fairly good! So I got a bit excited and decided to try some mac & cheese for dins. Nope. Bad idea Lo! Just for fun I hopped on my Wii Fit yesterday to see what not eating for 3 days does to my weight haha. They congratulated me on achieving my goal weight in record time. Little did they know! It was the first time since I've gotten it that I had to set a new goal weight by actually adding pounds! I chuckled. And then slept. A lot. I decided to take the rest of the week off just to make sure I don't get the little kiddos sick. Erika texted me yesterday and said Lewis is walking like a mad man! Yay! What a lil cutie. I hope to be better for Halloween, so I can show off my awesome referee costume in Pearl Lake/Watkins!

Other than sleeping, I've been catching up on my TV favs, watched a few movies (Marley & Me, Juno, Ghost Dad!), and snuggled lots with Harry. I took a puzzle out yesterday and did the edges, but have no gumption to actually finish it. It would be much better if I could do it laying down! Anyways, that's enough for now, I must go watch more Price is Right :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sittin on the Dock of the Bay...

Summer is officially over. This past weekend we took the dock and boat lift out. And by we, I mean Noah and Marty. It was quite the entertainment. Noah forgot his waders, so he froze his tootsies off! But don't worry, he took some breaks to warm them up in my boots...

It was about a 2 hour fiasco, but lo and behold, they got it done--

Harry was a good spectator too, cheering the boys on-

When all was said and done, He rejoiced in the big accomplishment and painted the sky in glorious color-


Did ya see the Turdy Pointer? Turdy Point Buck!

I just had to write about my good friend Scott O'Konek. Okay, he's not really my good friend, but I do idolize him. He got a 32 point buck with the bow in Fort Ripley the other day. A feat that most likely will break the record in Minnesota. And my favorite part is...he's from South Haven! A stone's throw from our house! Way to represent Hwy 55 Scott! Click here to read the exciting article! I'm so jealous. I told Noah that if I don't get a deer this big this season, that I'm giving up hunting. Okay, not really.

Here are some pics from Field & Stream...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Black Betty

It's official...I'm a hunter! I got my very own shotgun and I'm ready to blast some bucks. I just took 3 days off work and I'm excited to get out there in the cold! Okay, not really excited about the cold, but hopefully the weather will be nicer than last year! Here is me and my new girl, Black Betty--

I just have to get the scope mounted on her and I'll be all set! Oh, and I got a new coat, hat, and carhartts too :)

Work is going pretty good, just tiring working 10 hour days. Hopefully my hours will lighten up a bit in the winter! Speaking of winter, here are a few pictures I took yesterday at the Boikes--

I can't believe how early we got snow this year! The only good thing that comes from winter is ice fishing! I can't wait!

That's about all I have to say for now! I'll leave you with a couple of really cute pictures I took of Charlie last week on our last wagon ride of the fall.
