Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Big News!

It's no secret, but it is new news for my blog!  On January 3rd, Noah and I found out we are having a baby!  Wahoo!  We couldn't be happier!  I am due September 12th, so I am in week 20 already.  I can't believe how fast time has flown!  All appointments have gone great, and we find out in about 3 weeks whether we have a little girl or boy to add to our family.  We (well, mostly I) have been busy researching every little thing to buy, and even though it's overwhelming, it's so much fun.  Our stroller (Bumbleride Indie) should arrive here tomorrow!  We have our crib and dresser set up, and I can't wait to fill the rest of the room!

I was lucky enough to have absolutely no morning sickness (or afternoon or evening at that!)  Just a bit tired, so naps were my friend!  I have my energy back now, although I still take the occasional nap here and there.  I also haven't had any weird cravings or anything.  I pretty much eat like I always have, with a few more snacks added in, of course.  

I starting feeling little flutters at 17 weeks, and now can feel them often, as well as the big ol' kicks!  Noah even felt his first kick a few nights ago!  We truly have a little wriggle worm on our hands!  Will baby have Noah's looong legs?  Maybe!  Oooh they must know I'm taking about them...there's a kick kick kick!

The Jellybean is already the size of a cute little canteloupe!   About 10 inches from head to heel.  Baby is swallowing more, which is good practice for the digestive system.  They are also producing meconium...pretty much the first poo!  Great!  I think I'll give Noah the honors of changing the first diaper, since he has never done it!

It's been so much fun following the baby's growth and development, and we cannot wait to meet him/her in the real world!  Here is my belly bump picture for the week:


Wow.  A whole TEN months have passed since my last blog.  Life must be either busy, or boring...and I choose BUSY!  Noah and I have accomplished a whole lot since last June.  We spent most of the summer working on building our house, and moved in on September 25th.  We are so in love with living here.  I get to spend mornings watching birds on the feeders, and Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird making their nest in our bluebird house.  I can't wait to see the little fuzzy bluebirds peeking out of the hole!  We got to see them last year, and it made me so happy.  When the weather lets me, I enjoy taking Harry for walks through our woods, and we are currently working on cutting some wider trails for some great summer walks.  We are hoping to get our grass in sometime this spring, and then eventually some trees and other landscaping.  Our final project will be a deck in the back, although that might have to wait until next summer.  Harry is especially loving life in the country.  He even ventured out last week to visit the cows down the road.  It's so nice that we can just let him out in the yard without worrying about hooking him up to a tree or anything. 

Here are some highlights of things we have done in the past 10 months:

We have also be blessed with another nephew!  Graham Lee Solem was born on February 12th!  He is such a cutie and Ben is a great big brother.  Noah and I are even lucky enough to be his God-parents!  What a blessing! 

Well that's enough of a re-cap.  Stay tuned for another blog with the greatest news of all!
