Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 27!

Since the leaves have fully bloomed out on the trees, our internet has gone all to heck.  It works when it wants to, which usually isn't when I need it most!  My iPhone has pretty much become our internet source for the time being.  It's great for looking up a quick thing or two, but not so great for blogging or doing any extensive research!  This is why I have not blogged about our little girl in awhile.

It is now week 27, well actually I'm a bit late, and it's now 27.5!  Where has the time gone?  We had our first prenatal class last night at St. Gabriel's, and it went great.  It was nice to meet other couples who are going through the same things as us, and start to learn all about the labor and delivery process.  I am excited to get a birth plan in order, even though I know it might not go the way we plan!  I am going to keep an open mind and do whatever is best for the baby.  We have 5 weeks left, and then I will take an extra breastfeeding class following the last week.

Our little jellybean is growing and growing in there!  She is still on the move, and her kicks are definitely getting stronger.  I am feeling more of the pregnancy effects as well, with sore knees and back, especially after a long day at work.  I am not sleeping much during the night, so I am trying to get in some naps here and there, which help. 

According to Baby Center, our little girl weighs about 2 lbs, and is about 14.5 inches long!  She is sleeping at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking on her little fingers.  With more brain tissue developing, baby's brain is very active now.  The lungs are still immature, but they would be capable of functioning - with a lot of medical help - if she were to be born now.

I had my gestational diabetes glucose test on Monday, and passed with flying colors.  I was dreading drinking the sugary drink, but luckily they had it cold, so it wasn't too bad.  Dr. Susan said everything was looking great and told me to go ahead to gain some more weight!  Who doesn't like to hear that!?  So I took a trip down the ice cream aisle at the store last night.  YUM!  I have one more appointment, and then will go in every 2 weeks until time gets really close!  Here is my most recent picture--

Okay enough baby talk...we have been really busy with other things!  We are working on our yard a lot, and Noah's dad has been a great help with the chainsaw.  We were hoping to get grass in the spring, but have decided to wait until fall since we have so much other yard work to get done first!  Don retired last Friday, so Noah and I went and surprised him at the post office for breakfast in the morning, and then we had his party in the evening.  It was a lot of fun, and nice to meet all of his work friends and employees.
-On Saturday, we got up early and went fishing on Lake John, the lake we used to live on.  It was a gorgeous day, and we caught lots of fish that we will be frying up for dinner tonight.  We drove home and relaxed for a bit before heading to Watkins for Noah's baseball game.  He pitched 4 innings and did great.  The Clippers won 7-3.  They played on Sunday in Kimball (ew) and won again.  They are undefeated so far this season!
-Monday afternoon I met Noah in Rice to meet with our life insurance guy.  After talking money matters, we headed to St. Cloud to do some shopping, and then went to cheer on the Eden Valley-Watkins high school baseball team.  They won 7-4, and play tomorrow night in St. Cloud again.  If they win, they are headed to the state tournament again, which they won last year.  They are a great team, and lots of fun to watch!
-Noah has a game Friday night, and I will be heading to the Twins game on Saturday for Drea's bachelorette party.  Hopefully the weather will be nice, but not too hot!  Another Clipper game on Sunday, and that's another weekend gone!

Hopefully we can figure out another internet service provider soon so I can keep a more updated blog!

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