Friday: We decided to get a little crazy Friday night and head to the bar in Maple Lake to celebrate the Pens winning the Stanley Cup. Oh boy was the bar hoppin!! We could barely find a place to park! Oh, wait. We were the only ones there! We played a game of Big Buck Hunter, and headed home. We weren't ready to call it a night yet so we played some darts and ended up staying up til 3 in the morning!

Saturday: I woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after only 4.5 hours of sleep and was ready for another fun-filled day. Noah headed on a mystery trip to town, and returned with beautiful red roses for me! An early anniversary present since they weren't open on Sunday.

After I was done admiring my roses, we headed down to the lake. It was a gorgeous day! We spent the day on the dock, doing some fishing, and getting some sun.

Once the boys got the boat lift fixed (long story) we finally were able to head out on the boat so do some major fishing. We caught tons of fish, but only kept about 20. There is such a variety of fish in our lake that I caught sunnies, crappies, a bass, and a northern, all on one bait! It was a perfect night for fishing, and a great way to end the day.

Sunday: The official anniversary day!! Noah and I enjoyed breakfast on the deck...and we could already tell it was gonna be a scortcher! After breakfast, I was informed that there was a letter in the mail for me. When I opened it I discovered a love letter from Noah, along with instruction for a scavenger hunt. It was much like when he proposed. I solved the puzzles and found the gifts. It was a lot of fun, and I'm impressed that he actually can be a little creative and romantic!
Noah had a baseball game that afternoon, so Marty and I headed there to cheer on the Clippers. It was Noah's best game of the season! He got on base 3 of his 4 at-bats, and played awesome in the field. They beat St. Augusta 9-1.
After his game (and a shower for Noah) we went out for dinner at the Waterfront, on Clearwater Lake. It was delicious!! I would definitely recommend it to anyone, and we want to go back ASAP! We were so full after dinner that we didn't want dessert right away, so we waited until right before bed to have our cake. A year old cake doesn't sound that appealing, but it was actually pretty good! I thought it would be dry, but it was as moist as our wedding day! It was a great 1st anniverary, and I'm already excited for the next one!

(the reason we were laughing so hard is because right before the picture snapped, the piece of cake that I was gonna eat fell off the fork, off my shirt, and onto the floor!)
Monday: We woke up Monday morning and headed right to Valleyfair! It was another hot day, but luckily there were some clouds, and a nice breeze. We arrived just after it opened, and there were no lines! It was so nice to be able to go on any ride we wanted, and didn't have to wait an hour to get on. We spent the whole afternoon there, and got back home around 4. We were so tuckered out from the fun day that we just relaxed the rest of the evening.
Tuesday: This was the last day in our anniversary celebration since Noah had to go back to work Wednesday. The forecast did not look good, so we wanted to get outside before the rains came. We drove down to the trails to do a little run/rollerblade. It was nice to finally get on my blades again! By the time we were done, we realized the forecast didn't seem too accurate. They said a High of 66...but it was already 75! The rain did come though, so we spent the rest of the day hunkered in. Well, except for our DQ trip! We put together the puzzle Noah got me, which took us about 4 hours! It was lots of fun!
Noah had a baseball game that afternoon, so Marty and I headed there to cheer on the Clippers. It was Noah's best game of the season! He got on base 3 of his 4 at-bats, and played awesome in the field. They beat St. Augusta 9-1.
After his game (and a shower for Noah) we went out for dinner at the Waterfront, on Clearwater Lake. It was delicious!! I would definitely recommend it to anyone, and we want to go back ASAP! We were so full after dinner that we didn't want dessert right away, so we waited until right before bed to have our cake. A year old cake doesn't sound that appealing, but it was actually pretty good! I thought it would be dry, but it was as moist as our wedding day! It was a great 1st anniverary, and I'm already excited for the next one!

(the reason we were laughing so hard is because right before the picture snapped, the piece of cake that I was gonna eat fell off the fork, off my shirt, and onto the floor!)
Monday: We woke up Monday morning and headed right to Valleyfair! It was another hot day, but luckily there were some clouds, and a nice breeze. We arrived just after it opened, and there were no lines! It was so nice to be able to go on any ride we wanted, and didn't have to wait an hour to get on. We spent the whole afternoon there, and got back home around 4. We were so tuckered out from the fun day that we just relaxed the rest of the evening.
Tuesday: This was the last day in our anniversary celebration since Noah had to go back to work Wednesday. The forecast did not look good, so we wanted to get outside before the rains came. We drove down to the trails to do a little run/rollerblade. It was nice to finally get on my blades again! By the time we were done, we realized the forecast didn't seem too accurate. They said a High of 66...but it was already 75! The rain did come though, so we spent the rest of the day hunkered in. Well, except for our DQ trip! We put together the puzzle Noah got me, which took us about 4 hours! It was lots of fun!

So that wrapped up our big celebration. It was the perfect weekend, and I couldn't have asked for anything more! I can't wait to see what's in store for us during year #2!
Ahh how fun! And I love the visuals to go with the text. Many more to you two!