Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. This is a blog I have been following regularly for quite some time now. I decided to take part in the fun of telling others what we certainly have not been doing during the past week!
It was definitely not me who was so excited to get a new lake floatie that I blew it up right away and sat in it while watching TV all morning. Nope, no way!
I certainly am not so madly in love with my tattoo that I cannot pass a mirror without stopping to peak at it. And on the same note, I never look at it first thing in the morning to make sure it didn't magically disappear overnight.
There's no way I love the movie P.S. I Love You so much that I would actually watch it twice in a row last week while the sun was shining outside. And I would never make Harry wait an extra hour for his walk because I didn't want to miss a single second of it!
It also wasn't me who wished Noah would lose his baseball game on Saturday so he wouldn't have to play on Sunday. I would never hope his team would lose!
There you have it! A few of things I most certainly did not do! I hope to keep this up for future Mondays. I know there will be many more things I have not been doing!
Caraazee! Fun.