Thursday, August 6, 2009

Gettin' There!

Noah made the trip to Little Falls last night after work to mow his parents' lawn, and got the opportunity to stop by our potential building location to snap some pictures. It was nice to see the land from "inside" the woods, since I'd only seen it from the road. Here are a few of the photos so you can get a better idea of where the house would be located...

We have officially narrowed down our house-plan choices to 3. A small, medium, and large. We love them all equally, and the final choice will come down to the price our contractor can build them for! I had a little fun this morning since I was up early (Harry is STILL in bed!), and photoshopped our potential homesteads into the pictures! Which one is YOUR favorite?

Option Small:

Option Medium:

Option Large:

I think they ALL look great!


  1. I actually like the small option, but with the medium option's porch on the front. Is that possible?

  2. I actually like the look of the smallest one the best too...but we're a bit worried (or I'M a bit worried) that it might be too small once we have a couple lil kiddos running around!

